I liked the echoing effect on some of the sounds.
It could’ve had more going on with the sounds, like overlapping of multiple sounds at once.
Made me feel like I was working or studying outside, then just going on with a typical day in the life.
I like the use of effects to make it sound more electronic. The ending was fun.
I think some of the sounds went on a bit too long by themselves.
It made me feel like I was in a techy cityscape.
I really like the rhythm of the song and it was fun to listen to.
It seemed like more of a song rather than a soundscape.
I felt that the intended purpose of the song was clear, and I felt like I was in a tunnel or some spooky place underground with water that was dripping. The music in the background gave the impression that someone is on a mission.
I like how there was such a variety of sounds, and how the mood really changed throughout the song.
The beginning was very abrupt and shocking, and some parts were very loud.
There was a chaotic energy, it made me feel like I was on speed or something, having a very fast paced and eventful day, experiencing all the senses to the fullest.
I thought the transition between sounds blended pretty nicely.
Towards the end there were a lot of sounds happening at once and it became kind of overwhelming.
The beginning was very peaceful and dreamy, like a nice summer’s day. It then transitioned to more of a scary dream, and then an abrupt wake up at the end.
I liked the transitions between sounds, and how the baby was kind of a constant throughout most of it.
I don’t know how I felt about the ad lib dialogue throughout it.
It sounded like a typical day in the life of a working mom at home.
I liked how it clearly communicated a specific event.
The beginning was kind of slow, there were periods where I couldn't hear much of anything.
I think it did capture the feeling of a peaceful hike, with a run alongside a dog towards the end.
I liked the consistency of the snoring in the background.
I was confused by what the ending was trying to communicate.
It definitely felt like a morning, making breakfast while someone was sleeping.
I like how the combination of all the sounds eventually created a rhythm
I thought the ending could have had more going on, I couldn't hear anything.
It did make me feel stressed, like I had a lot of stuff to get done, and people that needed my attention
I like how the cat sounds were a consistent part throughout.
The beginning started off a bit slow in my opinion.
I think it portrayed a consistently busy, but not stressful work day.
I like how the mood shifted a lot throughout, but the drinking of beverages was a common theme.
I think it was unclear at some points at what was supposed to be going on.
In the beginning I felt like I was in a coffee shop or something, and then maybe just a journey throughout a person’s day.
I thought the theme was really fun and interesting.
I liked the voices for occasional commentary but I didn't think it needed to narrate everything that was happening.
It definitely felt trippy and like I was on an interesting psychedelic journey.
I liked how calming and peaceful the sounds were.
I thought the beginning started a little slow and it was very quiet.
The vibes I got from this in the beginning were calming and peaceful, like an ASMR video. I was kind of confused about the setting and what was going on later in the song.
I liked how kind of subtle and peaceful the sounds were while still getting a clear message across.
I would have liked to hear a bit more variety in sounds.
I felt like I was at a peaceful cafe while listening to it.
The sounds used were calming and satisfying.
I wish there had been more transitions in mood.
I felt like I was at a restaurant, listening to the sounds of preparing drinks and food.
I liked the use of music in this one, not many other people used that in theirs. Even though there was music it still sounded like a soundscape and not a song.
I think more of a variety of sounds could have been used, it was a bit repetitive at times.
I think the color purple is a hard thing to capture, but this soundscape did make me feel calm yet a little funky. I almost felt a sense of texture from this.
I enjoyed the variety of water sounds used so it wasn't too repetitive.
I was a bit confused as to what was supposed to be happening when it got a bit chaotic towards the end.
The beginning made me feel like I was a mermaid, and then it seemed like they went on with their life as a human.
I think he captured the feeling of a shipyard pretty well, yet there was still a variety of sounds within.
It seems like there were a lot of sounds not from the file in there.
Definitely captured the ambiance and background noise of a shipyard.
I liked the use of edits on the sounds.
Some of the sounds were repetitive.
The sounds really created a buildup of energy at times, although the point was sometimes confusing. I think based off of the beginning this has to do with a drug trip possibly.
Sarah O:
I liked how subtle and peaceful the sounds were.
I was a bit confused as to the exact theme of the soundscape, it could have been more clear.
The beginning made me feel like I was in a hospital or airport. There was lots of muted dialog so it made me feel like i was in a public setting people watching.
I liked the edits on the sounds, they were very elaborate and unique.
I would have liked to hear a bit more variety in sounds.
This made me feel like I was in a dungeon, desperate for someone to find me.
I liked how there were many transitions of mood.
Some of the sounds were kind of chaotic and choppy sounding.
I felt like I was just living a chaotic day in the life.